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Life is difficult. We’ve all had our struggles, our ups and downs, as we try to bumble our way forward and accomplish what we can when we get the chance. Some people have figured out ways to make things easier, while others have not only done that but accomplished it through questionable means that exploit the system and sometimes human trust as well. But hey, we do what we have to, right? For those willing to take the risks, and for those who are good law-abiding citizens alike, we have compiled a list of things you could try… or at the very least, keep an eye out for to make sure you don’t get duped.
1. That’s One Way to Do It
In the grand theatrical production of “Avoiding Work 101,” there exists a tried and true method for those seeking to add a touch of authenticity to their sick day call: the art of lying on one’s back with the head dangled precariously over the bed’s edge.

This position, reminiscent of a poorly executed yoga pose or an attempt at amateur acrobatics, will miraculously transform your voice into the nasal, congested tones of the genuinely ill. After all, in the high-stakes game of hooky, believability is king. A little creativity (and discomfort) can go a long way in securing that much-needed day off.