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Traveling is all about exploring the world, meeting people from all walks of life, experiencing other cultures, trying unique foods, and discovering new things. More often than not, your expectations may not end up matching reality as these people found out the hard way. Still, there’s nothing like making lasting memories through your travels even if you come across a few surprises along the way…
He Was Not Amoosed
There are some things you don’t actively think about like when will aliens pay us a visit, does your dog love you as much as you love them, and how big are moose? Unless wildlife is an active part of your life, the answer to the last one is pretty surprising.

As this tourist found out, moose can get as big as 10 feet and weigh as much as 1500 pounds! So no, they’re not “slightly bigger” than deer. In fact, they’re the largest members of the deer family. We can only imagine the look on his face when the big guy popped over to say hello.