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Whether you’re religious or not, Christmas is surely a magical time. It’s when our problems seem to go away, and we get to spend time with our loved ones. Of course, Christmas is not always as chipper as expected. We compiled people’s wildest Christmas experiences, ranging from hilarious to downright wacky. Let us know if you ever had a crazy Christmas like these ones!

#1: Bad Dog
Anyone with a pet will know the difficulties of trying to celebrate Christmas while keeping your furball safe as well. Now, throw in the added difficulty of having a blind pet, and you have a recipe for disaster! This user knows all too well the struggle with pets and Christmas.

The fact that the dog didn’t even realize there was a problem is utterly hilarious! I just hope that the user’s family managed to replace the tree before it was too late. Can you imagine celebrating the holidays in a house that smells like dog pee? It sounds truly disgusting!